E E  W o r k s h o p: Rare Plants of North Carolina

Morphology Practice: Leaves of Hexastylis

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This practice set tests your knowledge of the difference in leaf morphology between Hexastylis arifolia and the remaining species in the state.

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Question :

Identify this species:

   Your choices:


   Type the letter of your choice here (e.g.: a or b):


   Keeping track:

Score:  Percentage:  Letter Grade:

The code for this self-quiz was modified extensively to allow image handling by A. Krings from the original code by D. C. Peterson (1997; obtained from http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/cut142.shtml on 27 Nov 2012). At this time permission was explicitly granted for adaptation and non-commercial use. Use of the script in no way implies endorsement of Web Winder JavaScript Services.