Spiraea L. (Rosaceae)
In North Carolina, Spiraea is represented by thirteen species, eight of which are exotics. The only species currently federally listed is Spiraea virginiana (Fed T). Spiraea corymbosa is state listed (State E). Note that, as for Liatris and Geum, the majority of rare taxa are found in the Piedmont and mountains.
Federally listed taxon—
Spiraea virginiana (Fed T, State T | S2 G2)
Habitat. Flood-scoured, rocky river banks in the Ohio River drainage.
Range. Endemic to eastern North America.
Additional resources. NHP | Recovery plan
Key to Spiraea in North Carolina
Key adapted from Weakley (2010). Photos by Krings, unless otherwise indicated. Line drawings from Britton & Brown (1913). Maps courtesy of USDA PLANTS and the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program.
1. Inflorescence a simple umbel; plants flowering early to mid-spring (Mar–Apr)...2. [exotic]
2. Flowers 10–15 mm in diam...3.
3. Leaves 2–7 cm long, unlobed or sometimes slightly 3-lobed, margins coarsely serrate; inflorescences with > 6 flowers; calyx lobes acute...S. cantoniensis 

Leaves of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)

Stem of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)

Leaf margin of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)

Double flowers of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)
Calyx of Spiraea cantoniensis (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea cantoniensis (rare; exotic; CP [Fort Bragg])
3'. Leaves 1–4 (–5) cm long, unlobed, margins finely serrulate; inflorescences with 3–6 flowers; calyx lobes obtuse to rounded...S. prunifolia 

Bark of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)

Inflorescences of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)

Bud of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)

Pedicel of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)

Double flower of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)

Calyx of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)
Corolla of Spiraea prunifolia (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea prunifolia (uncommon; exotic; Mt, Pd, CP)
2'. Flowers 6–10 mm in diam...4.
4. Leaf blades linear to lanceolate, 2.5–4 cm x 0.3–1 cm, > 4x as long as wide; flowers 6–8 mm in diameter...S. thunbergii 

Bark of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)

Vegetative bud of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)

Floral bud of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)

Flower of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)

Anthers of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)

Infructescence of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)
Follicles of Spiraea thunbergii (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea thunbergii (rare; exotic; CP [Fort Bragg])
4'. Leaf blades ovate to obovate, 3–5 cm x 2–3 cm, < 2x as long as wide; flowers 7–10 mm in diameter...S. x vanhouttei 

Stem of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)

Inflorescence of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)

Flowers of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)
Calyces of Spiraea x vanhouttei (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea x vanhouttei (rare; exotic; CP)
1'. Inflorescence a compound corymb or panicle; plants mostly flowering in summer, sometimes to fall (Jun–Sep)...5. [native or exotic]
5. Inflorescence a corymb, broader than long...6.
6. Leaf apex rounded or obtuse (sometimes some leaves acute in S. virginiana); petals white (rarely pink); native...7.
7. Leaves 1–2 x as long as wide, apex rounded to obtuse, base rounded to broadly cuneate; follicle 2–3 mm long...S. corymbosa 

Habitat of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)

Habit of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)

Habit of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)

Twig of Spiraea corymbosa; note absence of stipules, as typical for Spiraeoideae (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea corymbosa (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea corymbosa (rare [State E, S1 G4?]; rocky forests and woodlands; Mt, Pd)
7'. Leaves 2–4 x as long as wide, apex obtuse (sometimes some leaves acute), base narrowly cuneate to attenuate; follicles 1–2 mm long...S. virginiana* 

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)

Leaves of Spiraea virginiana (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea virginiana* (rare [Fed T, S2 G2];
riverbanks, where sometimes flood scoured; Mt; summer)
6'. Leaf apex acute to long acuminate; petals pink (rarely white or red); exotic...8.
8. Leaves pubescent beneath...S. japonica var. fortunei 

Leaf of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Corymbose inflorescence of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Corymbose inflorescence of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Flowers of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)

Flowers of Spiraea japonica (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea japonica var. fortunei (uncommon; exotic; Mt, Pd)
8'. Leaves glabrous beneath...Spiraea x bumalda 
Spiraea x bumalda (rare; exotic; Pd [VA])
5'. Inflorescence a panicle, longer than wide...9.
9. Lower leaf surface densely tomentose, the tomentum obscuring the surface...10.
10. Follicles pubescent; common in boggy wetlands...S. tomentosa 

Habit of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Twig of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Twig and leaf abaxial surface of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Leaf of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Flowers of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)

Flowers of Spiraea tomentosa (Photo: Krings)
Spiraea tomentosa (common; bogs, wet meadows; Mt, Pd, CP)
10'. Follicles glabrous; rare introduction...S. x billiardii 
Spiraea x billiardii (rare; exotic; Mt [VA, NC?])
9'. Lower leaf surface glabrous or with a few scattered hairs that do not obscure the surface...11.
11. Leaves widest below the middle, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate...S. salicifolia 
Spiraea salicifolia (rare; exotic; Mt)
11'. Leaves widest above the middle, oblanceolate to obovate or oblong...12.
12. Leaves finely and sharply toothed; inflorescence and hypanthium pubescent;
sepals usually obtuse...S. alba 
Spiraea alba (uncommon; boggy sites; Mt)
12'. Leaves coarsely and bluntly toothed; inflorescence and hypanthium usually glabrous;
sepals usually acute...S. latifolia 
Spiraea latifolia (uncommon; boggy sites to rocky outcrops; Mt)