T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Asimina Adans. (Annonaceae)

A genus of eight species of shrubs and small trees.

Two species are found in North Carolina, both of which are native to the state. Only Asimina triloba reaches tree size.

Key to Asimina in North Carolina

1. Flowering peduncles 3-8 mm long, the hairs tan to rusty; leaves 6-15 (-20) cm long; sepals 4-7 mm long; outer petals 10-13 mm long; fruit 1-3 (-6) cm long; plant a shrub to 2 m (rarely to 5 m) tall; [primarily of the Coastal Plain in our area, extending into the Piedmont in NC and SC, and into the Mountains in SC]...A. parviflora (Small-flowered pawpaw)

1. Flowering peduncles (10-) 15-20 (-25) mm long, the hairs dark reddish-brown; leaves 15-35 cm long; sepals 8-12 mm long; outer petals 15-25 mm long; fruit (3-) 7-15 cm long; plant a tree to 15 m tall; [widespread in our area]...A. triloba (Common pawpaw)