T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Cladrastis Raf. (Fabaceae)

A genus of about six species of trees; of the se. United States and montane regions of Japan and China.

One species occurs in North Carolina, Cladrastis kentuckea (syn. C. lutea)(Yellow-wood). It is considered native only to the mountains.

Bark of Cladrastis kentuckea
Bark of Cladrastis kentuckea (Copyright W. Cook)
Twig of Cladrastis kentuckea
Twig of Cladrastis kentuckea (coming soon)
Leaves of Cladrastis kentuckea
Leaves of Cladrastis kentuckea (Copyright W. Cook)
Flowers of Cladrastis kentuckea
Flowers of Cladrastis kentuckea (Copyright W. Cook)
Fruits of Cladrastis kentuckea
Fruits of Cladrastis kentuckea (Copyright W. Cook)
N.C. distribution of Cladrastis kentuckea
N.C. distribution of Cladrastis kentuckea

Cladrastis kentukea (Yellow-wood)
(Rare; Mt forests, Pd bluffs, especially on calcareous or mafic rocks [introduced only in the Pd of NC]; Mt, Pd; Fl: Apr-May, Fr: Jul-Aug)