T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Ficus L. (Moraceae)

A genus of about 750 species of trees, shrubs, and vines; of tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate areas.

One non-native species has naturalized in North Carolina, Ficus carica (Edible fig).

Bark of Ficus carica
Bark of Ficus carica (Copyright W. Cook)
Twig of Ficus carica
Twig of Ficus carica (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Leaves of Ficus carica
Leaves of Ficus carica (Copyright W. Cook)
Flowers of Ficus carica
Flowers of Ficus carica (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Fruit of Ficus carica
Fruit of Ficus carica (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
N.C. distribution of Ficus carica
N.C. distribution of Ficus carica

*Ficus carica (Edible fig)
(Rare [native of w. Asia]; grown for its fruits, persistent from plantings, persisting and naturalizing particularly on barrier islands, where it sometimes forms thickets on dunes, or otherwise in the outer CP, where proximity to the ocean ameliorates cold winter temperatures; Fl: May-Aug, Fr: Jul-Oct)