T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Hovenia Thunb. (Rhamnaceae)

A genus of 7 species, trees, of e. Asia.

One species reaches tree size in North Carolina, Hovenia dulcis (Japanese raisin-tree). It is not native to the state.

Bark of Hovenia dulcis
Bark of Hovenia dulcis (coming soon)
Twig of Hovenia dulcis
Twig of Hovenia dulcis (coming soon)
Leaves of Hovenia dulcis
Leaves of Hovenia dulcis (coming soon)
Flowers of Hovenia dulcis
Flowers of Hovenia dulcis (coming soon)
Fruit of Hovenia dulcis
Fruit of Hovenia dulcis (coming soon)
N.C. distribution of Hovenia dulcis
N.C. distribution of Hovenia dulcis

*Hovenia dulcis (Japanese raisin-tree)
(Rare [native of China]; escaped from cultivation to suburban woodlands; Pd)