T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Juglans L. (Juglandaceae)

A genus of about twenty-one species of trees and shrubs; Mediterranean Europe to e. Asia, and North America to Andean South America.

Two species occur in North Carolina; both are considered native.

Key to Juglans in North Carolina

1. Lower surface of the leaflets densely hirsute with 4-8-rayed fascicled hairs; fruit ellipsoid, densely pubescent with reddish-brown glandular hairs; leaf scars with a velvety ridge along the upper margin; leaves with (7-) 11-17 leaflets; pith dark brown; terminal buds 12-18 mm long; bark of mature trees pale...J. cinerea (Butternut)

1. Lower surface of the leaflets hirsute with single and 2-rayed fascicled hairs; fruit spherical or nearly so, lepidote with peltate scales and occasional glandular hairs; leaf scars without a velvety ridge along the upper margin; leaves with (9-) 15-19 (-23) leaflets; pith light brown; terminal buds 8-10 mm long; bark of mature trees dark...J. nigra (Black walnut)