T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Maclura Nuttall (Moraceae)

In the strict sense, a monotypic genus including a single tree species; sc. North America.

One species occurs in North Carolina: Maclura pomifera (Osage-orange). It is not native to the state.

Bark of Maclura pomifera
Bark of Maclura pomifera (Copyright W. Cook)
Twig of Maclura pomifera
Twig of Maclura pomifera (Copyright W. Cook)
Leaves of Maclura pomifera
Leaves of Maclura pomifera (Copyright W. Cook)
Flowers of Maclura pomifera
Flowers of Maclura pomifera (coming soon)
Fruit of Maclura pomifera
Fruit of Maclura pomifera (Copyright W. Cook)
N.C. distribution of Maclura pomifera
N.C. distribution of Maclura pomifera

*Maclura pomifera (Osage-orange)
(Common [native of TX, OK, AR, and LA]; fields, hedgerows, forests; naturalized from extensive planting in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Mt, Pd, CP; Fl: Apr-May, Fr: Oct)