T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Ostrya Scop. (Betulaceae)

A genus of five to nine species of trees; temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

One species occurs in North Carolina: Ostrya virginiana (American hop-hornbeam). It is considered native to the state.

Bark of Ostrya virginiana
Bark of Ostrya virginiana (Copyright W. Cook)
Leaf bud of Ostyra virginiana
Leaf bud of Ostrya virginiana (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Leaves of Ostrya virginiana
Leaves of Ostrya virginiana (Copyright W. Cook)
Flowers of Ostrya virginiana
Flowers of Ostrya virginiana (Copyright W. Cook)
Fruits of Ostrya virginiana
Fruits of Ostrya virginiana (Copyright W. Cook)
N.C. distribution of Ostrya virginiana
N.C. distribution of Ostrya virginiana

Ostrya virginiana (American hop-hornbeam)
(Common; mesic to dry forests, often rocky, especially over basic rocks, reaching high elevations; Mt, Pd, CP; Fl: Apr-May, Fr: Aug-Oct)