Bark of Picea rubens (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Twig and needles of Picea rubens (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Needles of Picea rubens (Photo: A. Krings, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Cones of Picea rubens (Photo: R. Mohlenbrock)
Cones of Picea rubens (Copyright W. Cook)
Cones of Picea rubens (Copyright W. Cook)
Seeds of Picea rubens (coming soon)
N.C. distribution of Picea rubens
U.S. distribution of Picea rubens
Picea rubens (Red spruce)
(Uncommon [common to dominant in spruce and spruce-fir forests at high elevations]; scattered in northern hardwood forests, heath balds, boulderfield forests, ridges, and rarely coves, also in bogs or swampy forests at lower elevations (down to about 1000 m), ranging in moisture tolerance from dry ridges [though these are often fog-bathed] to saturated peats; Mt; Fl: May-Jun, Fr: Oct)