T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

Rhamnus L. (Rhamnaceae)

The recognition of Frangula as distinct from Rhamnus is supported by molecular evidence (Bolmgren & Oxelman 2004).

One species reaches tree size in North Carolina: Rhamnus davurica (Davurian buckthorn). It is not native.

Bark of Rhamnus davurica
Bark of Rhamnus davurica (coming soon)
Twigs of Rhamnus davurica
Twigs of Rhamnus davurica (coming soon)
Leaves of Rhamnus davurica
Leaves of Rhamnus davurica (coming soon)
Leaves and flowers of Rhamnus davurica
Leaves and flowers of Rhamnus davurica (Copyright W. Cook)
Fruits of Rhamnus davurica
Fruits of Rhamnus davurica (Copyright W. Cook)
N.C. distribution of Rhamnus davurica
N.C. distribution of Rhamnus davurica (coming soon)

*Rhamnus davurica (Davurian buckthorn)
(Rare; suburban woodlands, rarely naturalized; native of e. Asia; Pd)