4. Prickles lacking; at least some branch stems modified as thorns; stems often forming dense thickets...Prunus angustifolia
Prunus angustifolia (Photo: Will Cook)
Prunus angustifolia (Photo: Will Cook)
4’. Prickles present; branch stems not modified as thorns; stems not forming dense thickets...5.
5. Plant of dry soil; prickles straight to slightly curved...Rosa carolina
Rosa carolina (Photo: Will Cook)
Rosa carolina (Photo: Will Cook)
5'. Plant of wet or inundated soil; prickles curved...Rosa palustris
Rosa palustris (Photo: J.M. Stucky)
Rosa palustris (Photo: J.M. Stucky)
1’. Prickles and thorns lacking...6.
6. Stipular scar completely encircling stem...7.
7. Buds valvate...Liriodendron tulipifera
Liriodendron tulipifera (Photo: A. Krings)
Liriodendron tulipifera (Photo: A. Krings)
Liriodendron tulipifera (Photo: A. Krings)
7’. Buds capitate...8.
8. Buds gray – black; leaf scar does not encircle axillary bud...Magnolia tripetala
Magnolia tripetala (Photo: A. Krings)
Magnolia tripetala (Photo: A. Krings)
Magnolia tripetala (Photo: A. Krings)
8'. Buds brown; leaf scar encircles axillary bud...Platanus occidentalis
Platanus occidentalis (Photo: A. Krings)
Platanus occidentalis (Photo: A. Krings)
6’. Stipular scar lacking or present but not encircling stem...9.
9. Buds associated with different leaf scars clustered at twig ends (superposed buds of a single leaf scar near twig end do not constitute clustered buds)...10.
10. Bud scales brown or grayish–brown; plant a tree...Quercus spp.