Key to structural groups
1. Leaf scars opposite...
Group 1
Node of
Euonymus americanus
with leaf scars opposite (Photo: A. Krings)
Node of
Euonymus americanus
with leaf scars opposite (Photo: A. Krings)
1'. Leaf scars alternate...2.
Nodes of
Symplocos tinctoria
(Photo: J.M. Stucky)
Nodes of
Symplocos tinctoria
(Photo: J.M. Stucky)
2. Pith of internode chambered or diaphragmed...
Group 2
Chambered pith of
Itea virginica
[left] and diaphragmed pith of
Liriodendron tulipifera
[right] (Photo: J.M. Stucky)
Chambered pith of
Itea virginica
[left] and diaphragmed pith of
Liriodendron tulipifera
[right] (Photo: J.M. Stucky)
2'. Pith of internode homogeneous...
Group 3
Homogeneous pith of
Cercis canadensis
(Photo: A. Krings)
Homogeneous pith of
Cercis canadensis
(Photo: A. Krings)