Plant Identification Service
We are happy to help. Submit through an extension agent or directly to us.
How to Submit
As a service to the citizens of North Carolina, the herbarium provides identification of unknown plant specimens submitted through an agent of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service or directly to us. The service is free for samples fewer than five. It is important that information given be as complete as possible to facilitate the identification of unknowns.
Submitting photos. Photos are a great place to start. If we cannot identify a species from the photos sent, we will ask for a physical specimen. Photos should capture the relevant parts of plants necessary for identification. These include details of the stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits, as available. Please note, many plants simply cannot be conclusively identified in the absence of reproductive material (especially grasses and sedges), in which case we will ask for resubmission at a later date. Photos can be directly submitted to this address.
Submitting physical samples. Specimens should be of as high quality as possible and include stems or twigs with leaves attached, basal leaves (if any), flowers, fruits, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, etc. In the absence of a plant press, specimens can be prepared by (1) pressing and drying in a fold of newspaper weighted with a board or heavy box for a few days, or (2) blotting excess water from the specimen, placing in a plastic bag, and shipping immediately. Specimens should be numbered as needed and carefully packed to prevent breaking or crushing of the plant. A separate form must be enclosed for each specimen submitted. Material submitted directly to us can be sent to: Herbarium, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, Campus Box 7612 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7612.