T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

G y m n o s p e r m s  ( c o n i f e r s )

Linear key | Dichotomous key

1. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3…2.

2. Leaves linear, 15-45 mm long; mature female “cones” fleshy and berry-like, > 15 mm in diameter…Torreya

2. Leaves scale-like or acicular and <16 mm long; mature cones either dry and cone-like, or fleshy and < 9 mm in diameter…3.

3. Branchlets not disposed in one plane, thus bushy and not fan-like; plants dioecious, male and female cones on separate plants; mature female cones fleshy and berry-like, with smooth surfaces, indehiscent; leaves opposite (decussate) or in whorls of 3…Juniperus

3. Branchlets disposed in one plane, thus flattened and fan-like; plants monoecious, male and female cones on the same plant; mature female cones woody or leathery, with irregular surfaces, dehiscent; leaves opposite (decussate)…Chamaecyparis

1. Leaves either alternate or in fascicles of 2-5 (basally bound by a scarious sheath) or on short shoots in clusters of many (10-60) leaves in apparent whorls…4.

4. Leaves borne in fascicles of 2-5 (basally bound by a scarious sheath)…Pinus

4. Leaves alternate…5.

5. Leaves 4-angled in cross-section…Picea

5. Leaves distinctly flattened (2-sided) in cross-section…6.

6. Leaves very soft in texture, seasonally deciduous as twiglets; [primarily Coastal Plain]…Taxodium

6. Leaves stiffer in texture, evergreen; [collectively more widespread]…7.

7. Leaves tapering from base to a long-acuminate tip…Cunninghamia

7. Leaves with parallel margins for most of their length, or widest near middle and gradually tapering to base and apex, the apex acute, obtuse, or retuse…8.

8. “Cone” fleshy, red or purplish at maturity…Torreya

8. Cone dry, brown, and woody at maturity…9.

9. Leaves attached directly to twig; cones 4-15 cm long, erect…Abies

9. Leaves jointed, on short, persistent base; cones 1-3.8 cm long, pendant…Tsuga