T r e e s  o f  N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

A n g i o s p e r m s  ( f l o w e r i n g  p l a n t s )

L e a v e s  a l t e r n a t e ,  c o m p o u n d

Linear key | Dichotomous key

1. Leaves trifoliolate…Ptelea

1. Leaves with 5-many leaflets (poorly developed leaves in some species with only 3 leaflets)…2.

2. Leaves palmately or palmately-pedately compound…Sabal

2. Leaves pinnately, bipinnately, or complexly compound…3.

3. Leaves at least in part 2-pinnate or otherwise more complexly compound than 1-pinnate…4.

4. Leaves evenly 2-pinnately compound…5.

5. Leaves 2×-even-pinnate; plant unarmed…Albizia

5. Leaves a mixture of 1-pinnate and 2-pinnate on the same plant; plant armed…Gleditsia

4. Leaves oddly 2-pinnately compound, or more complexly compound than 1-pinnate…6.

6. Plant armed with prickles on the stem, and sometimes also on the axes and main veins of the leaves....Aralia

6. Plant unarmed…7.

7. Leaflets entire…Gymnocladus

7. Leaflets serrate…8.

8. Fruit an inflated capsule, 30-50 mm long; inflorescence a terminal thyrse; corolla yellow…Koelreuteria

8. Fruit a globose drupe, tan at maturity, 10-15 mm in diameter; inflorescence an axillary panicle; corolla lavender…Melia

3. Leaves 1-pinnately compound…9.

9. Leaves even-pinnately compound (generally with 2 leaflets at the apex of the rachis, these obviously and symmetrically paired)…Gleditsia

9. Leaves odd-pinnately compound (generally with a single leaflet at the terminus of the rachis)…10.

10. Stems armed with prickles or stipular or nodal spines; leaves often also with prickles…11.

11. Leaves not aromatic when fresh, lacking pellucid punctate glands; leaves never with prickles on the rachis; leaflet apices rounded…Robinia

11. Leaves strongly aromatic when fresh, with conspicuous pellucid punctate glands; leaves often with prickles on the rachis; leaflet apices usually acuminate…Zanthoxylum

10. Stems unarmed (leaflets with spinose margins in some species, or the stem with dense hispid hairs)…12.

12. Leaflets entire…13.

13. Plant a medium or tall tree…14.

14. Leaflets alternate on the rachis...15.

15. Leaflets obovate (or elliptic), broadest above or in the middle; flowers perfect, bilaterally symmetric, papillionaceous, white; fruit a legume...Cladrastis

15. Leaflets lanceolate, broadest below the middle; perianth of male flowers reduced to two linear-lanceolate tepals, perianth of female flowers with 5 tepals, yellow green to red; fruit a drupe...Pistacia

14. Leaflets opposite on the rachis, leaflets (1-) 2-5 (-6) cm long…16.

16. Flowers in an upright, stiff raceme or panicle; flowers creamy white with some blue; stamens connate at the very base…Maackia

16. Flowers in dangling racemes; flowers white or pink; stamens diadelphous or connate at the very base…Robinia

13. Plant a shrub or small tree to 7 (-10) m tall…17.

17. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical, papilionaceous; stamens 10; fruit a legume; leaves with stipules…Robinia

17. Flowers radially symmetrical, stamens 3-5; fruit a drupe; leaves without stipules…18.

18. Rachis winged between each pair of leaflets; inflorescences dense...Rhus

18. Rachis not winged or only between terminal one or two pairs of leaflets; inflorescences openly branched...19.

19. Fruits red; leaflets lanceolate; foliage and stems lacking contact poisons; urban forests and wood lots...Pistacia

19. Fruits white or yellow; leaflets ovate, elliptic, or oblong; foliage and stems containing contact poisons; bogs, streamhead pocosins, seeps...Toxicodendron

12. Leaflets serrate or crenate…20.

20. Leaflets crenate, the teeth rounded and often inconspicuous…21.

21. Leaflets (especially the basal and on the basalscopic side) with 1-5 large rounded teeth, each bearing a prominent dark green gland; leaf rachis not winged; fruit a schizocarp, with 2-5 samaroid mericarps; plant a medium to large tree…Ailanthus

21. Leaflets with obscure crenations, not as below nor bearing glands; leaf rachis narrowly to conspicuously winged, especially towards the tip; fruit a drupe; plant a shrub or small tree…Rhus

20. Leaflets serrate…22.

22. Inflorescences axillary…23.

23. Fruit with husk dehiscent into 4 valves; pith of twigs continuous; leaves with (3-) 5-17 (-19) leaflets, the largest usually the terminal or final 2 lateral; nut with shell smooth, ridged, or irregularly wrinkled (but not deeply furrowed); terminal buds with imbricate (overlapping) or valvate scales…Carya

23. Fruit with husk indehiscent; pith of twigs chambered (not always developing until autumn of the first year's growth); leaves with (7-) 11-19 (-23) leaflets, the largest usually about halfway up the leaf; nut with shell deeply furrowed in a complex corrugated pattern; terminal buds with valvate…Juglans

22. Inflorescences terminal…24.

24. Inflorescence corymbose (flat-topped or rounded, as wide as long or wider); fruit a red pome…Sorbus

24. Inflorescence paniculate (longer than wide); fruit various (see below), but not as above...25.

25. Fruit an inflated membranaceous capsule…Koelreuteria

25. Fruit a drupe…Rhus